As students progress into middle school age, they experience rapid development, both mentally and physically. These are the "transition years", as students begin their transformation from childhood to adulthood.
The core subjects are Mathematics, English, Social Studies, and Science, with a focus on understanding, communication, making connections and problem solving.
Students are also greatly expanding their interests at this point. There is, therefore, an increased emphasis on exposing students to a wider range of topics involving careers, understanding human relationships, technological applications, and life skills.
Students will be required to write standardized assessments in English Language Arts in grade 7, and Math in grade 8. These assessments are not used for promotional purposes; however, they do provide valuable information as to the students’ level of progress as compared to their New Brunswick counterparts.
1. English Language Arts
2. Mathematics
3. Science
4. Social Studies
5. Health
6. Music/Art
7. Physical Education